All students must dress modestly according to Islamic standards. Uniforms are required for students in grades kindergarten and up. All students are expected to be neat and clean. We ask parents and students to kindly respect the uniform policy. No uniform is required on Friday; students may dress up on that day. Skirts must be knee length. Clothing must be loose fitting. No clothing with profane or obscene images will be permitted. Closed shoes must be worn at all times for safety purposes. No open-toed sandals or flip-flops will be allowed.
Parents will be emailed the first two times a student does not abide by the dress code. After that the parents will be called to bring in a uniform or take the student home.
Abayas – Must be navy blue, black or khaki and must not be opened from the front or other sides.
No nail polish, make-up, or jewelry is permitted. Sunglasses, hats, hoodies, jackets, and gloves are to be worn outdoors only and not inside the school building or the classrooms. Shoes with socks should be worn at all times.